Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mancora - My saving grace

After crossing the Peruvian border, I was really hoping the rest of Peru wasn´t anything like the shamble of a town that welcomed me to this highly anticipated country. With just a two hour bus ride from the border (on top of my 6 hour bus ride from Cuenca) I arrived in Mancora. The hostel I stayed at was just the place to relax, meet lots of great people, and participate in a number of activities.

The hostel had a on site cook that dished up some of the best grub I´ve had on this trip. I posted some pictures of our Beach Olympics. It had a number of events and made for a good time. Most of the people there were either Aussies, Kiwis, or Brits and once again I was the lone American. With that the case, I did learn how to play a good game of Cricket.

Last night I took the overnight bus from Mancora to Huanchaco. This little fishing village is know for their reed boats that the locals still make the traditional way. Tomorrow I am planning on visiting the ancient ruins of Chan Chan just near here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey bud,
So glad Mancora is your saving grace! You look great. Im still way jealous of what all you get to experience! :-)