Sunday, November 9, 2008

Still alive

The past week has been a whirlwind of activities! My four hour ride south of Lima to Huacachina, was well worth the drive. This crazy little oasis is unreal! I hiked to the top of the dune just behind our hostel to find nothing but sand as far as the eye can see! Me and the girls signed up for some sand boarding on these massive mountains of sand. I don´t know what was the bigger thrill, riding around in the dune buggie or flying down the mountain on a piece of wood. The bottom of the board was hard to keep slick. They had wax for us to put on before each run, but the sand would rub it off well before you reached the bottom of the slope :-(

That night I took a bus back to Lima only to wake up at 4am to catch my flight to Cuzco. The girls arrived later that afternoon, taking a 16 hour overnight bus ride from Huacachina... I'm glad I flew. The day was spent exploring Cuzco and enjoying some fine dining. That night we went to an election day party for Americans held at a nearby diner. It was fun to watch the votes come in and hoop and holler to our liking.

I never knew how difficult it was to actually get to Machu Picchu, but after an 1 1/2 hour taxi ride, a 2 hour train ride, and an overnight stay in Aguas Calientes, we were on our way to seeing one of the most magnificent wonders of the world! We woke up at 4am (yet again) to start our hike up the mountain to the park entrance. It was so great to watch the valley take shape as the dark faded into a dim glow. (You can take the bus from Aguas Calientes but they don't start running until 5:45, you don't get the experience of hiking in the wee hours, and they cost $14 round trip.)

We hiked literally straight up for about one and a half miles. Kristen and I were on a mission to get tickets to Wayna Picchu (This is the mountain you see in the background of Machu Picchu. They limit only 400 people on this mountain per day.) and never stopped til we reached the top! We were about 20 people from the front of the line and had no trouble getting our tickets.
Machu Picchu is absolutely out of this world! The views, the architecture, the mystery, and even the llamas! It all adds up to the amazement I have for this unusual place. The photos don't even do it justice. By far, its one of my most favorite places ever! Not to mention the hike up Wayna Picchu... mom I suggest you not hike this one. Steep drop-offs, narrow trails, and nothing to hold on to but a little wire cable, if that. We were so sweaty! It was such a nice sunny day once the morning fog burned off. I posted one picture from the top. Its of me, Kristen, and this Peruvian girl that wanted a picture of us... I guess we looked like celebs.
That afternoon I boarded my train back to Ollytatamba and took a 2 hour bus ride back to Cuzco. Catching my flight early the next morning, to again catch another flight early this morning... and this is why I am fighting off a cold. No sleep, stress of travel, hiking all day, and high elevation doesn't make for a healthy person.
Despite it all, I made it to Buenos Aires safe and sound. The streets are alive with the weekly Sunday market. Bands are playing, people are dancing, and the city is alive! I cant wait to soak it all up in these next few weeks, but tomorrow I am going to try and catch a bus to Iguazu Falls. And so is the life of a backpacker :-)
Love you all


N said...

Crazy cool stuff! Your blogs always leave me wondering how you can handle all of the running around. But like you said its the life of a backpacker.

Cortney said...

Wow, that looks amazing! You look like you are having a blast! Those are some really beautiful pictures! Make sure you give the girls a big squeeze from me!!

Anonymous said...

I just run out of things to say. I cant believe all that you get to do and see while i sit here day by day with my nose in the books...